Sonic Chaos

A video game published by Sega for the Master System and Game Gear consoles in 1993.

Text by NiGHTS108

Grade: C

Sonic Chaos is one of the Sonic games of all time. Okay, so, I’ll admit, for a Game Gear Sonic game, Chaos isn’t bad. I don’t think I like it as much as Sonic 1 on Game Gear but it’s a game that gets the job done. It definitely feels pretty good to play which impresses me, it’s definitely not really accurate to the Genesis games because obviously, but there is a satisfying sense of speed, and sometimes that’s all that’s necessary. The game looks pretty good, better than Sonic 1 and 2 on Game Gear at least, but the stages are very visually pleasing. There’s one Green Hill copy at the start, sure, but then it branches out, the confusingly named “Gigalopolis Zone” is particularly a stand out, and even seems to be some of the inspiration behind Studiopolis in Mania, so that’s neat. The level design is… fine. It’s not very memorable, unfortunately. You can blast through most of them in like a minute at most, and closer to the end of the game they start getting really annoying about bottomless pits. I’m not someone to bitch and bitch about how the Genesis games are “unfair” because they’re not, so trust me when I say Chaos goes too far with random cheap split second reaction times, especially the further the game goes on. I also really don’t need that one spring gimmick because it only makes telling when there’s a bottomless pit even more difficult. Thankfully though getting extra lives and continues is very easy in this game, so it’s still probably one of the easier Sonic games to me. This game is also short enough to not overstay its welcome so I can’t really be too mad at it, it’s only about 30 minutes to an hour long, so overall, as a very early portable Sonic game, Chaos gets the job done.